
Multitubular gas laser.

The proposed invention falls into field of laser equipment, exactly to multitubular gas lasers with high quality of radiation. The problems of proposed invention are: magnification of laser radiation power and increase of construction compactness.The indicated problems in the introduced multitubular gas laser are executed because of that the gas-discharge tubules are located in two parallel packs equally spaced from each other. The gas-discharge tubules of length L are located in two flat packs equally spaced from each other for a distance A, and the planes of packs are located in parallel, while the tubules in one pack are located under a corner A/L relatively tubules of other pack in such a manner, that the ends of tubules in different packs are located opposite each other with small displacement, and the corner reflecting prisms oriented in such manner that their bisectors lay between planes of tubules packs, and their mirrors transfer radiation from ends of one pack tubules in tubule ends of other pack, that provides sequential transmission of laser radiation through all tubules, starting from a tubule, which takes place opposite to back close mirror, and ending a tubule, which takes place near outlet translucent mirror.